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Jan, 2024

Spring Registration Now Open for PeeWee, Tee Ball, Rookies and A!

This message is for all eligible PeeWee, Tee Ball, Rookie, and Single A players! Ages 4-8 

**Registration is now OPEN and Closes on Saturday, April 13, 2024**

Cost:  $205 for these 4 divisions

Welcome to baseball or welcome back to baseball! Come one come all - this is typically all Little League age 4-8 year old players. 

In these divisions, Little Leaguers will begin and/or continue to learn the basic fundamentals of baseball; hitting, fielding, catching, throwing, and offense/defense all within a SAFE, ENCOURAGING, and FUN environment. 

At these levels, once registration closes, we will begin to build the teams. We do our best to build the teams based on the school the players attend and any specific parental requests. This is never an exact science nor a guarantee that we can accommodate all requests, but we pride ourselves on keeping friends and schoolmates together whenever possible. 

We always need Coaches here! Once the teams are built and the coaches are selected, you will be notified of the team that your son or daughter will be playing on. The coaches will determine the day and time for practice while Ridgefield Little League will determine game days and times. Please note:  PeeWee and TeeBall ONLY have practice/games on Saturdays. 

Go ahead and register today!

Contact Us

Ridgefield Little League Baseball

PO Box 287 
 Connecticut 06877

Email: [email protected]

Ridgefield Little League Baseball

PO Box 287 
 Connecticut 06877

Email: [email protected]
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